How accurate is geofencing?

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Geofencing accuracy can vary depending on the technology and methods used. Generally, GPS-based geofencing can be highly accurate, with an accuracy of up to a few meters. However, it can be affected by environmental factors such as buildings and trees, which can interfere with the GPS signal. This can result in inaccuracies, especially in urban areas where there are many obstructions.

Other forms of geofencing, such as cellular network-based or Wi-Fi-based, may not be as accurate as GPS-based geofencing, but can still provide a useful level of location tracking. For example, cellular network-based geofencing uses triangulation between cellular towers to determine a device’s location, which can have an accuracy of a few hundred meters. Wi-Fi-based geofencing can also have an accuracy of a few meters by detecting a device’s location based on the strength of nearby Wi-Fi signals. Ultimately, the accuracy of geofencing depends on the specific technology used and the environmental factors that can affect it.

This entry was posted in . It was first published in April 2023 ()and last updated on April 19th, 2023 (2 years ago).

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