Can a hidden camera with time lapse be used as a nanny cam?

0 minutes, 36 seconds Read

A hidden camera with time lapse can easily be used as a nanny cam to monitor your children and their caretakers. With time lapse, you can capture hours of footage and condense it into a shorter video, making it easier to review the activity in a shorter amount of time.

When choosing a hidden camera with time lapse for use as a nanny cam, it is important to consider the camera’s features such as motion detection, audio recording, and remote access. When used as a nanny cam, time lapse video footage can give you a quick overview of an entire day condensed in just a few minutes, allowing you to quickly see what your babysitter was doing during the day.

This entry was posted in . It was first published in April 2023 ()and last updated on April 20th, 2023 (2 years ago).

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