Can I set up a time lapse recording on any hidden camera?

0 minutes, 49 seconds Read

Setting up a regular camera for time lapse recording may require additional equipment or software to achieve the desired results. Many modern cameras have built-in time lapse functionality that can be accessed through the settings menu. If your camera does not have this feature, you can use an intervalometer, which is a device that connects to the camera and triggers it to take a photo at a set interval.

Additionally, there are software programs available that can be used to create time lapse videos from a series of photos captured by a regular camera. These programs often offer more control over the final product and can help to ensure a smooth and seamless time lapse video.

With hidden cameras which have remote viewing + photo capture features, you could set up a script to automatically take image snapshots at certain intervals. However, this would require some technical skills. Easiest way to capture time lapsed footage is to simply get a camera which already supports this feature.

This entry was posted in . It was first published in April 2023 ()and last updated on April 20th, 2023 (2 years ago).

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