Can multiple devices connect to a hidden camera in access point mode simultaneously?

0 minutes, 55 seconds Read

In most cases multiple devices can connect to a camera in access point mode simultaneously. AP or direct connection mode allows the spy camera to act as a Wi-Fi hotspot, enabling multiple devices such as smartphones, tablets, or computers to establish a connection directly with the camera. This means that you can view the camera’s live feed or access its settings from multiple devices at the same time.

The number of devices that can connect to the hidden camera in access point mode simultaneously may vary depending on the specific camera model and its technical capabilities. Some cameras may have a limit on the number of concurrent connections, while others may allow a higher number of devices to connect without issues. It’s always recommended to check the camera’s specifications or user manual to determine the maximum number of supported connections.

Having the ability for multiple devices to connect to the hidden camera simultaneously can be beneficial in scenarios where multiple users or team members need to access the camera’s footage or control its settings from different devices, providing flexibility and convenience in surveillance operations.

This entry was posted in . It was first published in May 2023 ()and last updated on May 25th, 2023 (2 years ago).

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