Are AP camera’s WiFi networks visible to anyone in range?

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In most cases, access point (AP) cameras create their own Wi-Fi networks that are not visible to anyone in range by default. These networks are typically hidden or non-broadcasted, which means they won’t appear in the list of available Wi-Fi networks on nearby devices. This adds an extra layer of security as it makes it more challenging for unauthorized users to detect or connect to the camera’s network.

To access the camera’s network, users need to manually configure their devices to connect to the specific network name (SSID) and enter the corresponding password provided by the camera. This ensures that only authorized users with knowledge of the network details can connect to the camera and access its live feed or settings.

However, it’s worth noting that some AP cameras may offer the option to enable broadcasting of the network for easier setup or configuration purposes. In such cases, the camera’s network may become visible to nearby devices temporarily. It’s important to review the camera’s documentation or settings to understand the visibility options and adjust them according to the desired level of security.

This entry was posted in . It was first published in May 2023 ()and last updated on May 25th, 2023 (2 years ago).

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