What are motion detection zones?

0 minutes, 43 seconds Read

Motion detection zones are areas in the camera’s field of view that can be defined and set to trigger the camera’s motion detection function when motion is detected within those zones. This can be useful in situations where the camera captures too much motion or activity that isn’t relevant to the user’s needs, such as when a camera is installed near a busy street or a heavily-trafficked area. By setting motion detection zones, the camera will only detect motion within those areas and ignore motion outside of them.

Motion detection zones can usually be set up and customized through the camera’s mobile app or software. The number of motion detection zones and the level of customization available will vary depending on the specific camera model and brand. Some cameras may also have pre-set motion detection zones that can be quickly activated without requiring customization.

This entry was posted in . It was first published in April 2023 ()and last updated on April 19th, 2023 (2 years ago).

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