How do I protect my surveillance camera from being hacked?

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Protecting your surveillance cameras from being hacked is crucial to ensure your privacy and safety. First and foremost, it’s essential to use strong and unique passwords for your cameras and change them regularly. Avoid using default passwords, as these are easily guessable and can make it easy for hackers to gain access to your cameras.

It’s also essential to keep your cameras up to date with the latest firmware updates, as these often include security patches to address vulnerabilities. Additionally, consider using cameras with two-factor authentication, which adds an extra layer of security by requiring a unique code in addition to a password to access the camera’s settings. Finally, ensure that your cameras are connected to a secure network with a strong password and that remote access is only granted to trusted users.

This entry was posted in . It was first published in April 2023 ()and last updated on April 18th, 2023 (2 years ago).

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