Can I use the photo capture feature on my surveillance camera for time-lapse photography?

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Most hidden cameras do not have a time lapse feature. Unlike regular surveillance and photography cameras, hidden cameras are intended for different purposes and will in most cases not have some of the features found on professional photography or surveillance tools. You can find hidden cameras with time lapse in our dedicated product category, but there are very few models capable of this feature.

To use the time-lapse photography feature, you will need to set the camera to capture images at regular intervals and then download the images to your computer. You can then use video editing software to create a time-lapse video from the images. Some surveillance cameras may also come with built-in time-lapse video creation software to make the process easier.

This entry was posted in . It was first published in April 2023 ()and last updated on April 4th, 2023 (2 years ago).

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