Do I need to KYC to buy crypto with cards or bank transfers?

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In most cases, exchanges will require you to do identity verification for depositing fiat (USD, EUR, or other traditional currencies) through bank transfers or debit and credit cards. Essentially, by submitting your bank or card details you are already providing exchanges with your identity anyway.

A way to bypass this is to use a reliable exchange fully available in your country to buy Bitcoin or USDT in spot. Do your identity checks (KYC) on this exchange, then simply send Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, USDC or other cryptocurrencies directly to another exchange that doesn’t enforce KCY.

Exchanges without mandatory KYC will not require you to do KYC for crypto deposits.

This entry was posted in . It was first published in March 2024 ()and last updated on March 3rd, 2024 (6 months ago).

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