At SpyCamCentral we pride ourselves at providing the most diverse set of hidden cameras for all types of use. We feature products from over a hundred different brands and with a variety of options and features, including different power sources.
We understand everyone has different needs. Because of that we give our customers the option to filter hidden spy cameras based on power supply:
How to choose the best power supply?
Choosing the best power supply depends on how you want to use your hidden camera. If you need an easily portable solution, say a car key or sunglasses, you will obviously want an internal rechargeable battery for maximum convenience and mobility.
For a camera you don’t plan on moving frequently, such as a phone charger or a USB charger, you can consider an AC-powered or USB-powered camera. Wires on these hidden cams will not make it obvious to anyone that there might be a surveillance camera hidden inside.
Consider your needs
A hidden camera with motion detection will use very little power if it’s surveilling your empty home. It can easily last for days on batteries if you turn it off while at home, or leave for a vacation. If you use such a camera in a busy place instead such as your office or shop during work hours, the camera power will clearly deplete more quickly and may not last more than a few hours (depending on each individual product, of course).
For around the clock surveillance it’s best to get a spy camera which can record while plugged in to a wall socket or USB. This ensures you never need to worry about battery duration no matter how much activity it records.
Night vision cameras will also use more power while recording in low light conditions. Infrared sensors use extra battery power and will increase the overall consumption by at least 30% on average. On some camera models night vision recording can use up to two to three times more power than day recording.